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Alter Servers

Saint Brendan Why do I seek to serve at the Altar of the Lord. Firstly it is to me a very special Gift and an honour of the highest order. I am not a priest, but a Servant of God. Being called and gifted, recognising and utilising the gifts that are freely given, many gifts are given in many and various ways. To recognise the gifts you have received and to put them to use, is saying Yes to God. I believe I have been blessed with many gifts, the greatest of these is the gift of Eucharistic Service. To be in attendance on the Sanctuary of the Lord, during the celebration of the Holy Eucharist is the nearness to the greatest mystery given to man. The consecration of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus the Lord. It should be felt as indeed a great honour to be there, assisting the Priest in this most profound act. To carry out the role as Server of the Church is truly the most reverent and humbling action. To be in the most Holy of places, the Sanctuary of the Altar of God, calls us to be most reverent and prayerful, in all actions we do. When we demonstrate our attention to the celebration of the Mass, we are helping all those who are gathered in the church to focus their attention and their prayer toward the celebration. download.

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